Friday, June 8, 2012

Craft: Homemade Light Box

My dear daughter, Marisa, is an inspiring artist.  She loves all things art.  I will thank her super-terrific-fantastic-wonderful-awesome art teacher at our local elementary school for her inspiration.  Mrs. Clark we love you!  While Marisa is still young and views my artwork with rose colored glasses I will accept every compliment until the magic is gone. She recently asked how I learned to draw.  I said, “I traced my coloring books.”  I remembered how much fun it was to trace and how tricky it could be to see the lines.  That’s when the light bulb went off.  We made our own light box!  How?  Like this…

Gather the following items: Flashlight (more like a work light, something you can lay flat); flat plastic container to put over flashlight. (I used my Pampered Chef Pitcher); Removable tape (painters tape worked well); coloring page to trace (taped onto pitcher); blank piece of paper; pencil or marker to trace.
Lay pitcher on flat surface. Turn flashlight on and insert into pitcher. Tape coloring page onto pitcher and secure with painters tape. Now, place blank sheet of paper on top of coloring page and secure with painters tape. Have your kiddo trace their heart out and then enjoy their artwork!

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